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Session Types
Session types are as follows:
- Breakout Sessions. This Abstract type will be for both virtual and in-person presenters. Breakout Sessions are generally pre-formed panels or roundtables that should last no longer than 60 minutes, including time for Q&A. All breakout sessions must also identify a moderator for the session. We recommend limiting the session to a maximum of four presenters and one moderator. Pre-formed groups with interactive content should apply as an interactive workshop, not a breakout session.
- Workshops are skill-building sessions featuring practical, hands-on exercises and approaches. This Abstract type will be for both virtual and in-person presenters. Interactive workshops are up to 60 minutes and should aim to highlight an important ICT4D topic combined with an activity to further participant understanding of the topic. Up to three presenter names are allowed with this type of abstract submission.
- Lightning Talks showcase new ideas or focused learning on ICT4D success and failures in quick, fast-paced 5 minute presentations. Virtual lightning talks are pre-recorded and streamed to the virtual GDDF platform during the live event. In-person lightning talks are delivered live at the GDDF event in Washington, DC.
- Technology Demonstrations are for new solutions and key innovations ready for rapid deployment. 5-10 minute virtual tech demos are pre-recorded and streamed to the virtual GDDF platform during the live event. In-person tech demos are delivered live at the GDDF Washington DC event.